Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This post pretty much means the end of this blog (which was actually meant as a photoalbum ), but I have quite enjoyed doing it and I think I'm starting to get a grip on the whole blog thing.
Although this was intended for you, my brothers and sisters from the LAMCO era, Liberia of course is so much more. I spent a month and a few days there this time, out of which one week in Buchanan and out of that only a day in the old LAMCO area. All in all during the month I took almost 900 photos so there are still some unpublished.

Thank you for the attention.

Hej då

Like I said; bestest beaches in the world.

I ended up at Furtemarks, which in the 80's had really bad undertow and was not completely safe to swim in. It was fine to do it now, though. We really tried to find our way down to Silver Beach but couldn't. It seems the road passes a lot further inland nowadays.

View south


Still fast

and fit


Best beaches in the world.

There are three "organized" beaches in the Furtemark beach area. In weekends beer and things are sold here. 
