Thursday, December 30, 2010

Add a comment

Feel free to comment, add info or correct me when I'm wrong. Questions are welcome. To post your comment, press "skicka kommentar". I can't figure out how to change it from swedish to english. Weird that it's in swedish anyway, all the instructions up in here are in english.

Wow! I changed it! I'm a genius!


  1. Pelle,
    Kym sent me these blogs and photos and I've enjoyed them all, especially what you put together for YouTube. I just regret that such a wonderful land and its people have suffered so from war and violence.
    I'm Kym's aunt known in the family as sister.
    Pat Floyd

  2. Auntie Sister! How nice to hear from you!

  3. Thanks Pelle! I love you for these wonderful pictures from the "bestest beaches" in the world...where I met "the man of my life"...
    From Lamco veteran, E.
