Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Swedes were here.. (loop 5)

Peeking through the fences in loop 5, something caught my eye.

I believe mostly UN personell live here.


  1. so the houses are still lived in pelle? i was surprised to know that, we lived next door to the Detoles family(sadie and i were very close) sure our house number was 155 even though it was in loop 5....

  2. Catherine Gill-JamiesonNovember 30, 2011 at 4:36 AM

    re; the Swedes.... there were 2 Swedish policewomen attached to the UN for training purposes, they left a few weeks ago (nov,'11) Nice ladies Eva and Linda and had a few drinks with them, maybe it was their house.

  3. My friends Harry, Barney and Lena Almstrom lived in Loop 5.

  4. I lived in 524,just across from Joe W,Ivar K and next to Bob Dicks.
